Hello, friend! This blog is 100% unrelated to nonprofit fundraising.
I felt like I should warn you—just in case you’re not interested in reading about things like my personal empowerment.
Do the kids still say ‘LOL’ to self-deprecate?
Anyway, this blog is poised to be a collection of thoughts I’ve been marinating in for the last 11 months-ish—some quickly tapped into my notes app in the middle of a long morning walk—others methodically recorded after a particularly crappy therapy session.
Most people would definitely keep these kinds of thoughts separate from the space they make their living in, yet here I am, mixing business-and-displeasure as I share some of my inner-most-turmoil on the same website I use to advertise my coaching practice.
So fetch.
But please make no mistake—this mix of personal and professional worlds is an intentional, willful act of rebellion.
It’s my personal protest against harm in many forms, and at the same time, is meant to defy the fruitless critiques of gatekeepers and maintainers-of-the-status-quo who would champion, even demand authenticity, transparency, and vulnerability in the work place—just “not-like-that.”
One of the most healing parts of working for myself is that my personal integrity, authenticity, and vulnerability are assets that benefit those who trust me to coach them—and since I am free to be fully present as I am, I’m a safe person to be authentic and vulnerable with in return.
Funny how that works.
Until next time!